Future Proof

Your critical
network, designed
around you

With the technology rapidly moving to broadband and the growing demand of secure and cyber-safe networks, Rohill offers a unique proposition that allows for full control for MVNOs, while governments maintain national control and cyber-security is ensured.

Over 450 networks delivered worldwide

Our Unique Offer

What We

Tailored solutions

The verticals we serve

Our Promise

We will provide you a
network like never


TetraNode Solutions


Building blocks


TetraNode Solutions

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Rohill to Participate in the 9th MCX Plugtests in Texas

Rohill to Participate in the 9th MCX Plugtests in Texas

Rohill to Participate in the 9th MCX Plugtests in Texas Rohill is pleased to confirm its participation in the 9th MCX…
Rohill Engineering Expands to Latin America with New Office in Brazil

Rohill Engineering Expands to Latin America with New Office in Brazil

Rohill Engineering Expands to Latin America with New Office in Brazil   Brasília, Brazil – December 2, 2024 – Rohill…
C3 Upgrades Caribbean TetraNode Network with Enhanced Security and Encryption

C3 Upgrades Caribbean TetraNode Network with Enhanced Security and Encryption

C3 Network on Dutch Caribbean Islands Successfully Upgraded to Latest TetraNode Release with Enhanced Security Features   Willemstad/Hoogeveen, September 2024…