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Rohill’s Defense solutions

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Over the past decade, more and more armed forces have recognised the potential of TETRA. In particular, they are interested in commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solutions that are fast-deployable, physically robust and mission-critical. Those are exactly our strengths. Not surprisingly, several armed forces have opted for Rohill TetraNode to meet their communications needs. Be it for peacekeeping missions, use on military bases or for logistic operations.

TETRA for Defense

The mission-critical architecture of the TETRA system makes TETRA the answer to the challenging military market. Unlike country or supplier-specific solutions, TETRA is an open standard, meaning that terminals and infrastructures of different suppliers can be used seamlessly together. This allows for competitive, interoperable COTS solutions. For obvious reasons, the encryption and authentication capabilities of TETRA are a key advantage for the military market.

Features of TetraNode for Defense customers

  • Truly portable and shock-resistant solution
  • Extensive use of COTS hardware, open-source software and open interfaces
  • End-to-end encryption supported by dispatch and logging applications
  • Patented solution for efficient communication over high-delay satellite links
  • NATO-compliant call pre-emption
  • Open IP-based interfaces for integration of third-party applications

Benefits of TetraNode for Defense customers

  • Fast to install and deploy – typically between 2 and 5 minutes
  • Highly secure communications and protection against cyber attacks
  • Operation is highly resilient to IP link failures
  • Low barrier for maintenance by own personnel
  • Seamless integration with broadband data networks and applications
  • Lowest Total Cost of Ownership

Selection of our Defense references

We regret to inform you that due to the secret nature of these projects, Rohill is unable to openly publish our military projects.

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