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Rohill’s Utilities solutions

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The public utility sector consists of a variety of industries, ranging from electricity companies, waterworks and sewage plants to cable television companies. As diverse as they may be, they all have an increasing need for smart applications. This calls for future-proof communications solutions and forward-looking suppliers. With TetraNode, utilities have everything they need to meet the future challenges in communications.

TETRA for Utilities

Utilities cannot rely on commercially operated networks like 4G as these are fed by the energy network itself and can be overloaded during major incidents. A blackout of the energy network would therefore also affect the availability of cellular communications. With an independent network like TETRA this can be prevented. TETRA offers both feature-rich voice and robust data capabilities. Plus, TETRA terminals offer comprehensive voice and data capabilities, built-in GPS, SCADA interfaces and Radio User Assignment for use in business-critical environments.

Features of TetraNode for Utilities customers

  • Comprehensive range of voice and data capabilities
  • Best-of-class RF base station and switching performance
  • Supports wide range of legacy and modern PBXs
  • Dynamic capacity allocation for TETRA signalling, voice and data
  • Open IP-based interfaces for integration of third-party applications
  • Low energy consumption

Benefits of TetraNode for Utilities customers

  • Highly secure communications and protection against cyber attacks
  • Excellent capacity, reliability and scalability
  • Robust coverage with fewer TETRA base station sites
  • Ultimate platform for smart city and smart grid applications
  • Seamless integration with broadband data networks and applications
  • Lowest Total Cost of Ownership

Selection of our Utilities references

  • Flopec, Ecuador
  • Telasi, Georgia – Read more…
  • PLN Manado, Indonesia
  • Meralco, Philippines
  • Wroclaw Water Company, Poland
  • Johannesburg City Power, South Africa – Read more… / See more…
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