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Rohill’s Public Safety solutions

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Public safety is about securing the safety of people and property. Especially where people’s lives are at risk, public safety officers must rely on their communication tools. Public safety organisations, more than any other users, therefore require mission-critical communications. Rohill has gained a wealth of experience delivering and maintaining mission-critical networks for public safety, from small to large.

TETRA for Public Safety

TETRA is the preferred solution for public safety applications, offering much improved capacity, functionality and security. Distinctive TETRA features for the public safety sector include encryption, authentication and ambience listening. TETRA offers the highest voice and data capacity and throughput compared to other narrowband digital PMR standard. Only TETRA can guarantee the availability required for mission-critical communications.

Features of TetraNode for Public Safety customers

  • Carrier-grade platform, ensuring the highest grade of availability
  • Best-of-class RF base station and switching performance
  • End-to-end encryption supported by dispatch and logging applications
  • Comprehensive range of voice and data capabilities
  • Excellent geographic component and link redundancy capabilities
  • Open IP-based interfaces for integration of third-party applications

Benefits of TetraNode for Public Safety customers

  • Highly secure communications and protection against cyber attacks
  • Powerful, reliable and efficient dispatch operation
  • Robust coverage with fewer TETRA base station sites
  • Mission-critical reliability, exceeding 5-times-9 availability
  • Seamless integration with broadband data networks and applications
  • Lowest Total Cost of Ownership

Selection of our Public Safety references

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