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Rohill’s Public Access Mobile Radio solutions

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Operators build and operate Public Access Mobile Radio (PAMR) networks for those users who cannot afford to build their own network or do not have the expertise to operate a network. Typical PAMR users include private security, transport and construction companies. Rohill offers a powerful and proven business-critical PAMR solution based on TETRA, named TetraNode. As a leading TETRA provider, the company has an established track record in supplying operator networks.

TETRA for Public Access Mobile Radio

TETRA Public Access Mobile Radio network operators offer subscriptions for TETRA radio fleet owners. The users of these systems are usually not the same as the owner and operator of the system. TETRA offers superior coverage with fewer sites, instant group call setup, and radios that are fit-for-purpose in comparison with PTT over Cellular. Security and privacy are ensured by encryption, authentication and fleet partitioning.

Features of TetraNode for Public Access Mobile Radio customers

  • Comprehensive range of voice and data capabilities
  • Best-of-class RF base station and switching performance
  • Support of high-capacity SIP and E1 trunks
  • Full-duplex and group call operation from PBX with support of MS-ISDN
  • Open IP-based interfaces for integration of third-party applications
  • Extensive capabilities for fleet partitioning and profiles to aid operator services

Benefits of TetraNode for Public Access Mobile Radio customers

  • Highly secure communications and protection against cyber attacks
  • Excellent capacity, reliability, scalability and modularity
  • Robust coverage with fewer TETRA base station sites
  • Availability of applications to report on statistics and SLA compliance
  • Low barrier for maintenance by own personnel
  • Lowest Total Cost of Ownership
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